Thursday, August 22, 2019

A Small Mixed Farming in the Countryside of Cambodia

This is an inside view of 62-year-old Mr. Sok Samoeun's family-owned biodiversity farm.
View inside a small mixed farming

This small farm is supported and sponsored by ASPIRE organization, Svay Rieng Provincial Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, and IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development).

Ducks and chickens

Includes chickens, ducks, fish, and crops such as mixed vegetables, coconut, and mango in an area of ​​about 40 * 40 meters (1,600 square meters) in Samar Village, Khseth Commune, Kampong Rou District, Svay Rieng Province.

An elderly woman is sitting under a farm hut

He also raises about 400 frogs in the backyard of his grandfather's house. He started it in October 2018.

Behind Grandpa Moeun's house

frogs inside the vehicle tyre
Frogs inside the home pool pond

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